Welcome to Parsley, by Zesty.io

Parsley is the programming language of Zesty.io. Here's a little about Parsley's roots: Zesty.io was first developed only as an interface for website owners to manage content. The idea was to keep Zesty.io very developer friendly; therefore, Zesty.io was headless and our templates were pure code. To speed up development, we created sets of classes and methods to execute common tasks. We called these sets Frontend Drivers. Frontend Drivers are sets of tools made to communicate with a Zesty.io data system. The last driver was called Dazzler. In 2012, Dazzler classes and methods were ported to the templating language Parsley. 

Parsley is great because it optimizes each call and statement to make Zesty.io load very quickly, even though they are dynamic. Parsley is used to create the presentation layer, and run routing for websites. Zesty.io can still be accessed as a headless WCMS. Please use this REPL as an introduction to Parsley, which you can also find documented here. This REPL was created in Zesty.io to teach you Zesty.io! 

—The Zesty.io Team


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